Informal Posts on Coding / Econometrics / Etc.
Interpreting regressions under unconfoundedness How to interpret $\alpha$ in the regression $Y_i = \alpha D_i + X_i’\beta + e_i$ under unconfoundedness and if there is treatment effect heterogeneity.
Proof of de Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille (2020) under staggered treatment adoption Explains the TWFE regression weighting scheme in DID applications in a simplified setting with staggered treatment adoption.
Base periods in event studies Comparing varying and universal base periods in event studies
Is our code slow…? A short post on the computation speed of the
R package.
Short Research Summaries
Short summary of my DID chapter in the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics.
Five minute summary of Difference in differences with time-varying covariates
Five minute summary of Difference-in-Differences with a Continuous Treatment