Interpreting Regressions under the Assumption of Unconfoundedness
\(\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}}\) \(\newcommand{\indicator}[1]{ \mathbf{1}\{#1\} }\) \(\newcommand{\L}{\mathrm{L}}\) \(\renewcommand{\P}{\mathrm{P}}\) \(\newcommand{\independent}{\mathrel{\perp\!\!\!\perp}}\)
\(ATT(X) := \E[Y(1) - Y(0) | X]\) - the \(ATT\) for a given value of the covariates \(X\).
\(\L(D|X)\) - a (possibly misspecified) linear probability model for the propensity score. The notation stands for the linear projection of \(D\) on \(X\).
\(\L_0(Y \mid X)\) - a (possibly misspecified) linear model for \(\E[Y \mid X,D=0]\).
I have been working recently on a project that is partially about how to interpret TWFE regressions that include covariates: Caetano and Callaway (2023). That project builds on a fairly large literature on interpreting cross-sectional regressions under the assumption of unconfoundedness.
There are a number of interesting papers that take on this question from different perspectives: Angrist (1998), Aronow and Samii (2016), Słoczyński (2022), Chattopadhyay and Zubizarreta (2023), Blandhol et al. (2022), Hahn (2023), among others. This is my attempt to summarize some of the key insights from these papers.
I’ll set this up in a way that targets the \(ATT\) (rather than \(ATE\)), but I think you could make analogous arguments if you were targeting the \(ATE\) instead. Let’s suppose that we have cross sectional data and that we assume unconfoundedness. That is,
\[Y(0) \independent D | X\]and consider what happens when we try to estimate causal effects of the treatment using the following regression:
\[Y_i = \alpha D_i + X_i'\beta + e_i\]There are a couple of different ways we could view this regression.
View #1: The regression model is correctly specified in the sense that \(\E[Y|X,D] = \alpha D + X'\beta\).
In this case, \(\alpha=ATT\), and you can just run the regression and interpret the coefficient on \(D\) as the \(ATT\).
My sense is that this is not the view of most modern empirical work, where it seems uncommon to take linearity as a key assumption.
For example, if the model is correctly specified, it would rule out certain forms of systematic treatment effect heterogeneity. In particular, notice that, for any value of the covariates \(X\), \(ATT(X) = \E[Y|X,D=1] - \E[Y|X,D=0] = \alpha\). That is, average treatment effects do not vary with \(X\). This type of strong auxiliary assumption/condition is what much recent work in econometrics has tried to avoid and is probably implausible in most applications.
View #2: The regression model is a linear approximation to a possibly more complicated, nonlinear conditional expectation.
This view allows for systematic treatment effect heterogeneity, i.e., that \(ATT(X)\) can vary across different values of \(X\). However, this view begs the question: how exactly should we interpret \(\alpha\)?
This is the question that the papers mentioned above have tried to answer. To proceed, let’s start with a decomposition of \(\alpha\):
\[\alpha = \underbrace{\E\Big[w_1(X) ATT(X) \Big| G=1\Big]}_{\textrm{weighted avg. of $ATT(X)$}} + \underbrace{\E\Big[w_1(X)\Big(\E[Y|X,G=0] - \L_0(Y|X)\Big) \Big| G=1\Big]}_{\textrm{misspecification bias}}\]where \(w_1(X) := \frac{\big(1-\L(D|X)\big) \pi}{\E\big[(D-\L(D|X))^2\big]}~~~~\textrm{and}~~~~w_0(X) := \frac{\L(D|X)(1-\pi)}{\E\big[(D-\L(D|X))^2\big]}\)
You can see this sort of decomposition in Hahn (2023). It basically follows by apply Frisch-Waugh-Lovell and then using the law of iterated expectations and re-arranging terms. Let’s discuss the decomposition in three parts: the weights, the misspecification bias, and the weighted average of $ATT(X)$’s.
Decomposition Component 1: The weights Let’s start with the weights \(w_1(X)\) and \(w_0(X)\). First, the weights are functions of \(X\) and have mean 1 (this may not be obvious from the expression, but it turns out that it is easy to show, mainly by using the law of iterated expectations on the demoninators).
Second, notice that it’s possible that these weights can be negative, given that \(\L(D|X)\), a linear probability model, is not constrained to be between 0 and 1.
Third, it’s easy to calculate the sample analog of the weights as the most complicated term is a linear projection, which we can directly estimate by running a regresson of \(D\) on \(X\) and recovering predicted values.
Decomposition Component 2: Misspecification bias Next, let’s look at the misspecification bias term. Ideally, we would like this term to be equal to 0. And there are two cases where it will be:
The conditional expectation of \(Y\) given \(X\) and \(D=0\) really is linear, i.e., \(\E[Y|X,D=0] = \L_0(Y|X)\).
The implicit regression weights, \(w_1(X)\) and \(w_0(X)\) are covariate balancing weights in the sense that balance the distribution of $X$ between the treated and untreated groups, or, equivalently, that \(\E[w_1(X) g(X) | D=1] = \E[w_0(X) g(X) | D=0]\) for any function \(g\).
Since the first condition is kind of obvious, let’s focus on the second one. One case where this condition is guaranteed to hold is when the propensity score is linear, i.e., \(p(D=1|X) = \L(D|X)\). For example, one way that you can get rid of this misspecification bias term (as in Angrist (1998)) is when all the covariates are discrete and the model is fully saturated in the covariates; then linearity of the propensity score holds by construction.
Perhaps more importantly, even if neither of the conditions above hold, it seems to me that, in typical applications, you would expect both conditions to be fairly close to holding.
For condition 1, of course it does not have to be the case that \(\E[Y|X,D=0]\) is linear; however, linear models are the leading functional form assumption here and also have good approximation properties.
For condition 2, even absent assuming that the propensity score is linear (which seems like a strong/unnatural assumption to me), the weights \(w_1(X)\) and \(w_0(X)\) do have some covariate balancing properties: they balance the means of the covariates that are included in the model. That is, you can show that they satistfy the property \(\E[w_1(X) X | D=1] = \E[w_0(X) X | D=0]\). This is not quite strong enough to guarantee that the misspecification bias term is 0—we would need the weights to balance the entire distribution of \(X\) (and they are not guaranteed to do that). But it does suggest that they are doing something in “the same ballpark” of what we need to eliminate the misspecification bias term.
The previous argument is heuristic, but, taking the two arguments above together, it suggests to me to that the misspecification bias term is probably small in most applications.
Decomposition Component 3: Weighted average of \(ATT(X)\) Finally, let us move to the weighted average of \(ATT(X)\) term. If the main target of our analysis is \(ATT\), then the ideal weights would be \(w(X)=1\), so that \(\alpha = ATT\).
The weights \(w_1(X)\) are not equal to 1 and, relative to this baseline, have some drawbacks. First, as discussed above, the weights can be negative. This means that, for certain values of the covariates, the contribution of \(ATT(X)\) to \(\alpha\) can have the wrong sign (this case can be ruled out in some situations: e.g., by assuming that the propensity score is linear, or, alternatively, it is possible to directly calculate the weights and check if they are negative).
Second, the weighted average provided here is connected to what Słoczyński (2022) calls “weight reversal”. In particular, the magnitude of the weights depends on the value of \((1-\L(D|X))\) for treated units (the other terms basically serve as normalizations so that the weights have mean 1). Relative to the baseline of 1, the weights will tend to be too large for values \(X\) that are predicted to have a low probability of being treated (where the prediction comes from a linearity probability model) and too small for values of \(X\) that are predicted to have a high probability of being treated.
How much does the weighting scheme matter? It depends crucially on how much treatment effect heterogeneity there is. If \(ATT(X)\) is constant across \(X\), then any weighted average of \(ATT(X)\) will be equal to \(ATT\). At the opposite extreme, if \(ATT(X)\) varies a lot across \(X\), then the weights will matter a lot.
@online{callaway-unconfoundedness-regressions-2024, author = {Callaway, Brantly}, title = {Interpreting Regressions under the Assumption of Unconfoundedness}, year = {2024}, month = {11}, url = {}, urldate = {\today}, }