computes the Average Treatment Effect on the
Treated (ATT) using the method of Abadie (2005)
xformla = NULL,
w = NULL,
panel = FALSE,
idname = NULL,
iters = 100,
alp = 0.05,
method = "logit",
plot = FALSE,
se = TRUE,
retEachIter = FALSE,
seedvec = NULL,
pl = FALSE,
cores = 2
The formula y ~ d where y is the outcome and d is the treatment indicator (d should be binary)
A optional one sided formula for additional covariates that will be adjusted for. E.g ~ age + education. Additional covariates can also be passed by name using the x paramater.
The 3rd time period in the sample (this is the name of the column)
The 2nd time period in the sample (this is the name of the column)
The name of the column containing the time periods
The name of the data.frame that contains the data
an additional vector of sampling weights
Boolean indicating whether the data is panel or repeated cross sections
The individual (cross-sectional unit) id name
The number of iterations to compute bootstrap standard errors. This is only used if se=TRUE
The significance level used for constructing bootstrap confidence intervals
The method for estimating the propensity score when covariates are included
Boolean whether or not the estimated QTET should be plotted
Boolean whether or not to compute standard errors
Boolean whether or not to return list of results from each iteration of the bootstrap procedure
Optional value to set random seed; can possibly be used in conjunction with bootstrapping standard errors.
boolean for whether or not to compute bootstrap error in parallel. Note that computing standard errors in parallel is a new feature and may not work at all on Windows.
the number of cores to use if bootstrap standard errors are computed in parallel
Abadie (2005)
##load the data
## Run the panel.qtet method on the experimental data with no covariates
att1 <- spatt(re ~ treat, t=1978, tmin1=1975, tname="year",
x=NULL, data=lalonde.psid.panel, idname="id", se=FALSE)
#> Average Treatment Effect: 2326.51
## Run the panel.qtet method on the observational data with no covariates