class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Policy Evaluation during a Pandemic ] .author[ ### Brantly Callaway
and Tong Li
University of Georgia,
Vanderbilt University
] .date[ ### November 20, 2022
Southern Economics Association Conference ] --- # Introduction `$$\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\var}{\mathrm{var}} \newcommand{\cov}{\mathrm{cov}} \newcommand{\Var}{\mathrm{var}} \newcommand{\Cov}{\mathrm{cov}} \newcommand{\Corr}{\mathrm{corr}} \newcommand{\corr}{\mathrm{corr}} \newcommand{\L}{\mathrm{L}} \renewcommand{\P}{\mathrm{P}} \newcommand{\independent}{{\perp\!\!\!\perp}}$$` <style type="text/css"> border-top: 80px solid #BA0C2F; .inverse { background-color: #BA0C2F; } .alert { font-weight:bold; color: #BA0C2F; } .alert-blue { font-weight: bold; color: blue; } .remark-slide-content { font-size: 23px; padding: 1em 4em 1em 4em; } .highlight-red { background-color:red; padding:0.1em 0.2em; } .assumption-box { background-color: rgba(222,222,222,.5); font-size: x-large; padding: 10px; border: 10px solid lightgray; margin: 10px; } .assumption-title { font-size: x-large; font-weight: bold; display: block; margin: 10px; text-decoration: underline; color: #BA0C2F; } </style> - In this paper, we consider the <span class="alert">compatibility</span> of different reduced form policy evaluation strategies with leading pandemic models -- - Tons of recent empirical work evaluating the effects of Covid-related policies - Shelter-in-place orders, school closings, mask mandates, contact tracing, testing policies, etc. - Recent summary of the literature: Haber et al. (2021) -- - At first glance, this seems <span class="alert">in the wheelhouse</span> of economists - Large amount of relevant data - Policies enacted at different points in time across different locations -- - `\(\implies\)` Difference-in-differences --- # Introduction In this paper, we are going to take a <span class="alert">second look</span> -- 1. Hard to rationalize DID at all - Not generally compatible with leading pandemic models - Pre-testing does not work well (especially early in the pandemic) -- 2. We suggest using a particular version of <span class="alert">unconfoundedness</span> that involves conditioning on important pre-treatment pandemic related variables - We'll largely ignore a number of other potential challenges: e.g., measurement error in cases, multiple policies, spillovers, non-random/limited Covid-19 testing -- 3. We also propose an approach to study effects of Covid-related policies on <span class="alert">economic outcomes: </span> e.g., unemployment, travel, etc. --- # Outline <br> <br> <br> 1. Stochastic SIRD Models 2. Policy Effects on Covid-19 Cases 3. Application: Shelter-in-Place Orders --- class: inverse, middle, center count: false # Stochastic SIRD Models --- # Stochastic SIRD Model SIRD models are the workhorse model for the spread of an epidemic - Kermack and McKendrick (1927), Allen (2008), and Allen (2017) -- - In economics: Oka, Wei, and Zhu (2020), Fernandez-Villaverde and Jones (2020), Ellison (2020), Acemoglu, Chernozhukov, Werning, and Whinston (2020), others -- In a particular location, all individuals are in one of four states: -- S - Susceptible -- I - Infected -- R - Recovered -- `\(\delta\)` - Dead --- # Stochastic SIRD Model Additional Notation: - `\(N_l\)` - number of individuals in location `\(l\)` - `\(C_{lt}\)` - cumulative cases in location `\(l\)` by time period `\(t\)` - `\(\mathcal{F}_{lt} = (S_{lt}, I_{lt}, R_{lt}, \delta_{lt})\)` - "state" of the pandemic in location `\(l\)` in time period `\(t\)` -- Key idea: Markov transition equations for active cases, recoveries, deaths, number susceptible, and cumulative cases -- Additional Parameters: - `\(\lambda\)` - recovery rate - `\(\gamma\)` - death rate - `\(\beta\)` - infection rate --- # Stochastic SIRD Model <span class="alert">Active Cases:</span> `$$\E[I_{lt} | \mathcal{F}_{lt-1}] = (1-\lambda-\gamma) I_{lt-1} + \beta \frac{I_{lt-1}}{N_l} S_{lt-1}$$` -- <span class="alert">Recoveries:</span> `$$\E[R_{lt} | \mathcal{F}_{lt-1}] = R_{lt-1} + \lambda I_{lt-1}$$` -- <span class="alert">Deaths:<span> `$$\E[\delta_{lt} | \mathcal{F}_{lt-1}] = \delta_{lt-1} + \gamma I_{lt-1}$$` --- # Stochastic SIRD Model <span class="alert">Susceptible:</span> `$$\E[S_{lt}| \mathcal{F}_{lt-1}] = S_{lt-1} - \beta \frac{I_{lt-1}}{N_l} S_{lt-1}$$` -- <span class="alert">Cumulative Cases:</span> `$$\E[C_{lt}| \mathcal{F}_{lt-1}] = C_{lt-1} + \beta \frac{I_{lt-1}}{N_l}S_{lt-1}$$` --- # Simulated SIRD Pandemic <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" width="885" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse, middle, center count: false # Policy Effects on Covid-19 Cases --- # Setup <span class="alert">Additional Potential Outcomes Notation:</span> -- - `\(D_l\)` - indicates whether or not location `\(l\)` participates in the treatment -- - Treated potential outcomes: `\(S_{lt}(1)\)`, `\(I_{lt}(1)\)`, `\(R_{lt}(1)\)`, `\(\delta_{lt}(1)\)`, `\(C_{lt}(1)\)` -- - Untreated potential outcomes: `\(S_{lt}(0)\)`, `\(I_{lt}(0)\)`, `\(R_{lt}(0)\)`, `\(\delta_{lt}(0)\)`, `\(C_{lt}(0)\)` -- - `\(\mathcal{T}\)` total time periods and treatment occurs in time period `\(t^*\)`. - For simplicity, suppose that treatment timing is the same across all locations -- - Observed outcomes (for example): - In pre-treatment periods, when `\(t < t^*\)`: `\(C_{lt} = C_{lt}(0)\)` for all locations - In post-treatment periods, when `\(t \geq t^*\)`: `\(C_{lt} = D_l C_{lt}(1) + (1-D_l) C_{lt}(0)\)` -- - Long difference notation, for `\(t_2 > t_1\)`: `\(\Delta^{(t_1, t_2)} C_t := C_{t_2} - C_{t_1}\)` --- # Target Parameter - Target parameter, for `\(t \geq t^*\)`: `$$ATT^C_t = \E[C_t(1) - C_t(0) | D=1]$$` --- # Review of Difference-in-Differences The main assumption underlying a DID approach is the <span class="alert">parallel trends assumption:</span> -- ## Parallel Trends Assumption For all `\(t=2,\ldots,\mathcal{T}\)`, `$$\E[\Delta C_t(0) | D=1] = \E[\Delta C_t(0) | D=0]$$` -- DID estimand given by: `$$DID^C_t = \E[\Delta^{(t^*-1,t)}C_t | D=1] - \E[\Delta^{(t^*-1,t)} C_t |D=0]$$` -- Under parallel trends, it essentially immediately follows that `$$ATT^C_t = DID^C_t$$` --- # Difference-in-Differences DID is very closely related to the following model for untreated potential outcomes: `$$C_{lt}(0) = \theta_t + \eta_l + v_{lt}$$` -- (see, for example, Gardner (2021), Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2021), Ghanem, Sant'Anna, and Wuthrich (2022)) and where -- - `\(\theta_t\)` - is a time fixed effect - `\(\eta_l\)` - is a location (individual) fixed effect (can be distributed differently for the treated group relative to ) - `\(v_{lt}\)` - idiosyncratic unobservables -- Taking difference `\(C_{lt}(0)\)` over time gets rid of `\(\eta_l\)` and immediately implies parallel trends holds --- # Difference-in-Differences DID is very closely related to the following model for untreated potential outcomes: `$$C_{lt}(0) = \theta_t + \eta_l + v_{lt}$$` -- <span class="alert">This is a much different model from the SIRD model we discussed earlier</span> -- `$$C_{lt}(0) = C_{lt-1}(0) + \beta \frac{I_{lt-1}(0)}{N_l}S_{lt-1}(0) + v_{lt}$$` -- Side-comment: You can re-arrange this to get `$$\Delta C_{lt}(0) = \beta \frac{I_{lt-1}(0)}{N_l}S_{lt-1}(0) + v_{lt}$$` but `\(S_{lt-1}(0) = N_l - C_{lt-1}(0) \implies\)` need to condition on pre-treatment outcome `\(\stackrel{\textrm{in my opinion}}{\implies}\)` no longer DID because it reduces to unconfoundedness (see Abadie (2005)) --- # Main Results Under a stochastic SIRD model for untreated potential outcomes: -- 1. Parallel trends does not generally hold -- 2. The bias from incorrectly imposing parallel trends is: -- - Potentially complicated - Depends on differences in the distribution of the "state" of the pandemic in period `\(t^*-1\)` between the treated and untreated group - Cannot "sign" the bias in general, but suppose that (i) early policy adopters have more pre-policy Covid-19 cases, and (ii) looking at short-term effects of policy `\(\implies\)` may spuriously estimate *positive* effects of policies -- 3. A version of unconfoundedness holds (mainly: conditional on the pre-treatment "state" of the pandemic) --- # Complications There are a number of ways you could make things more complicated -- Some are compatible with our framework: -- - SIRD parameters that vary over time -- - SIRD parameters that depend on a location's observed characteristics (e.g., region) -- - Anticipation effects -- Some are not (immediately) compatible: -- - Measurement error in cases -- - Spillovers -- - TWFE versions of SIRD parameters, such as: `\(\beta_{lt} = \beta_l + \beta_t\)` --- class: inverse, center, middle count: false # Application: Shelter-in-Place Orders --- # Application Setup We study Shelter-in-Place Orders (SIPOs) early in the pandemic, and their efffect on - Covid-19 cases (from CDC Covid Data Tracker) <span class="alert"><-- This one only today</span> - Travel (from Google Mobility reports) -- These have been widely studied in a number of papers -- - Consider early part of the pandemic: March 10, 2020 to May 1, 2020 -- - State level data <span class="alert"><-- This one only today</span> - County-level data -- Main emphasis for today: (non-) robustness of DID methods in this context --- # Various Versions of DID To start with, we'll show results from various ways to implement DID - Outcomes in levels, parallel trends - Outcomes in levels, linear trends - Outcomes in logs, parallel trends - Outcomes in logs, linear trends -- We'll also use TWFE regression versions of these as well as "treatment effect heterogeneity robust" approaches from Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021) and Gardner (2021). --- # TWFE, Levels, Parallel Trends <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # TWFE, Levels, Linear Trends <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # TWFE, Logs, Parallel Trends <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # TWFE, Logs, Linear Trends <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # CS, Levels, Parallel Trends <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Gardner, Levels, Linear Trends <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # CS, Logs, Parallel Trends <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Gardner, Logs, Linear Trends <img src="data:image/png;base64,#callaway_li_pandemic_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Discussion (1) DID results are all over the place...not robust to functional form (e.g., Roth and Sant'Anna (2021)) -- * <span class="alert">none</span> of the specifications here compatible with SIRD model (see also Alcott et al. (2020)) -- (2) Positive effects of SIPOs on Covid-19 cases not reasonable -- (3) Its infeasible to decide between approaches based on performance is pre-treatment periods * None of them are rejected in pre-treatment periods. --- # Additional Results <span class="alert">Under unconfoundedness:</span> We do not find strong evidence that SIPOs decreased Covid-19 cases -- - However 1: What's the counterfactual? - Even among untreated states, there are massive decreases in travel during the time period that we consider - However 2: Confidence bands are actually pretty wide too (compatible with approximately 30% reduction in cases) -- <span class="alert">Using county-level data</span> (which has its own advantages and disadvantages), we provide further evidence that: - DID results are all over the place - DID can result in relatively large estimates of effects of "placebo policies" in states that never implemented a SIPO - Unconfoundedness performs better along these dimensions, and tends to result in small or no effect of SIPOs on Covid-19 cases. --- # Conclusion We studied policy evaluation strategies for understanding Covid-19 related policies - Because pandemics are highly nonlinear, the choice of identification strategy can be very important -- - In particular, DID seems unlikely to perform well here -- - Other identification strategies like unconfoundedness are at least compatible leading pandemic models (and are likely better choices) -- - That said, there are still a number of complications and, in my view, evaluating Covid-19 related policies is quite challenging -- <span class="alert">Five Minute Summary:</span> <a href=""></a> <span class="alert">Code:</span> <a href=""></a>