plot bounds on the quantile of the treatment effect using ggplot2
tau = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05),
csalabel = "CSA Bounds",
wdbounds = FALSE,
wdlabel = "WD Bounds",
otherdist1 = NULL,
otherdist1label = "CS RI",
otherdist2 = NULL,
otherdist2label = "Panel RI",
plotSE = TRUE,
colors = NULL,
legend = TRUE
an object returned from the csa.bounds method
vector of values between 0 and 1 to plot quantiles for
label for bounds under copula stability assumption
boolean whether or not to also plot Williamson-Downs bounds
label for worst case bounds
optional ecdf of the distribution of the treatment effect under cross sectional rank invariance
label for other distribution 1
optional ecdf of the distribution of the treatment effect under panel rank invariance
label for other distribution 2
whether or not to plot standard errors (default is TRUE
optional vector of colors to use in place of ggplot
default scheme
whether or not to include a legend (default is TRUE