Consider the following conditional expectation using country-level data, where \(pcGDP\) is a country’s per capita GDP (in thousands of dollars), \(Inflation\) is the country’s current inflation rate, \(Europe\) is a binary variable indicating whether the country is located in Europe, and where \(Democracy\) is a binary variable indicating whether a country has democratic institutions.
\[\mathbb{E}[pcGDP|Inflation, Europe, Democracy] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Inflation + \beta_2 Inflation \cdot Europe + \beta_3 Inflation^2 + \beta_4 Democracy\]
Further suppose that \(\beta_0 = 45, \beta_1=-1, \beta_2=-2, \beta_3=-0.1, \beta_4=8\)
What is the expected value of per capita GDP for a European country with democratic institutions whose inflation rate is equal to 4?
What is the expected value of per capita GDP for a European country with democratic institutions whose inflation rate is equal to 5?
What is the expected value of per capita GDP for a non-European country with democratic institutions whose inflation rate is equal to 4?