and what will we be learning in ECON 4750?
At a very high level, our goal for this semester is to develop skills related to using data to learn something
Two main course objectives:
Causal inference
Motivation: correlation is not causation
Running experiments is a a leading solution to this problem
But experiments are often not feasible
We will learn a number of tools/tricks for causal inference with observational data
We will also learn to be careful with our own causal claims and think carefully about others’ causal claims
We will have the dual goals of learning how to do prediction/causal inference/etc. and how it works
We will go in depth on a number of a related topics/tools
Statistical programming
Probability and statistics
Linear regression
These are the “language” we will be speaking this semester, and I aim for you to be experts (or at least very familiar) on all of these topics by the end of the semester.