Final Exam Study Guide
The main material for the final exam comes from Sections 13-18 in the Course Notes, where the two main topics are Prediction and Causal Inference. The exam is cumulative, but I think that you should expect 50% (or slightly more) of the material to come from these new sections. The more challenging material on the exam will also come from the new sections.
My general advice for studying is to (i) study the notes that you have take in class, (ii) study the Course Notes, and (iii) for topics where you still have any doubts, follow the cross-references from the Course Notes to the textbook for an additional reference.
R questions are fair game for the exam. As for previous exams, you should expect some coding question(s), but a larger portion (as well as the more challenging questions) of the exam will concern the prediction/causal inference parts of the class.
I anticipate that the exam will take 1.5-2 hours to complete, but you will have the full 3 hours to take the exam.
Finally, I have provided some extra questions here. My recommendation is to study some before you try to answer these questions. The solutions are provided here.