For this problem, we will use the Caschool data which you can load with the following command (you may need to install the Ecdat package first if you have not previously done so)
data(Caschool, package="Ecdat")
I would like for you to run the following two regressions:
A regression of mathscr on the following variables: str, avginc.
A regression of mathscr on the following variables: str, avginc, grspan, enrltot, teachers, calwpct, mealpct, computer, compstu, expnstu, elpct.
For each of the two models, compute \(R^2\), adjusted \(R^2\), \(AIC\), and \(BIC\).
To win
Email me, all 8 of the numbers that you calculated AND which model you would choose to make predictions with according to each criteria.
You can see that all four model selection criteria favor the second model. The \(R^2\) is higher, the adjusted \(R^2\) is higher, the AIC is lower, and the BIC is lower.